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A few weeks ago I had messaged JD over RealID about how possibly Blizzard has been getting us ready to fight Deathwing this whole time.

What I mean by that, is that I remember we were killing Onyxia and Nefarion in original WoW. We first encountered Nefarion in Upper Black Rock Spiral in the timed event area. We met Onyxia in Stormwind but she was masquerading as Lady Prestor.

Granted I really did not quest very much in BC but JD did remind me that there were dragons from the black dragonflight being killed.

During Lich King, they brought back Onyxia so there was a chance to kill her again plus Obsidian Sanctrum.

Now during Cataclysm, we the players now have the chance to kill off Deathwing himself.

It is for those reasons that I truly believe that Blizzard has had plans for the death of Deathwing since origianl WoW. This is my opinion. I remember that JD had a different opinion on this same subject though.

I guess it just goes with what a person wants to believe and remembers. I remember the whole quest line for getting the neck piece/trinket for doing level 60 Onyxia’s lair. Getting attuned for Blackwing’s Lair.

I am just wondering about anyone else’s opinion about Blizzard having had plans this whole time and preparing us for Deathwing.

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 What is in a name? Well, to me it is the thought and what the name represents. Let’s take a look at some of my character names. I have Rosemarylee, Jadedhearts, Kuroma, Saunter, Terrastella, Mizorie, Kittyrose, and Tookiebird.

 Rosemarylee, that name comes from an ex-supervisor of mine. Her name is Rosemary. For some unknown reason, I thought Rosemarylee would be a perfect way of remembering the time I worked for Rosemary.

 Jadedhearts, what can I say about this name. I can only say I was very upset at my ex-boyfriend and created a character that is basically a jaded heart character to remind me that love is never lasting at times.

 Kuroma, my all time favorite anime character is named Kurama. I wanted a female version of the name so I went with Kuroma instead of Kurama.

Saunter got his name from the way I thought humans in game looked like when they walked. I thought they were just sauntering about. Easy enough for his name.

Terrastella is earth star in Italian. I wanted a nice Italian name and found this one. It is rememorable to people and I don’t mind that at all.

Mizorie, can also be pronounced Misery as well. Was feeling miserable and was watching an anime with a character by that name. Different spelling of course.

Kittyrose, that name is also easy to explain. I like cats as my favorite animal and my favorite flower is actually roses. Just do not think for one moment that Kittyrose is a druid though. Kittyrose is a priest. I get enough grief from random groups about the name and class.

Tookiebird, I may or may not be correct in remembering where I heard this name. I swear it is from a movie called George of the Jungle but I may be wrong. It has been years since I saw the movie at all.

All in all, each of my character names do mean something to me. It can be just something funny, to remember a person or feeling, or even just because I wanted a name in a different language.

What character name do you have that means something to you or do you just use a random name from the random generator?

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 I know it may not seem like a big deal anymore in groups to point out one player and just make fun of them. This is happening more and more and I for one do not like it.

 Was doing just regular Halls of Origination and of course I was on my mage Mizorie http://us.battle.net/wow/en/character/moon-guard/Mizorie/simple. The other two dps and tank were from the same guild. The hunter kept calling me garbage. I could not figure out why and just thought he was jealous. Right before the last boss, he finally told me why he kept calling me garbage. I am almost fully geared in LFR gear and was not pulling more then 21k dps.

 He thought I should have been pulling 40-50k dps and he was also in almost all LFR gear and he was pulling about 14k overall. I tried to point out that 20k was good enough for regular and no one died at all. He did not want to hear any of it and I had finally asked him why didn’t he start a vote to kick on me. He then proceeded to tell me he did not want to wait for another group member. Of course that makes perfect sense, call me garbage but don’t kick.

  I really see this more in LFR though. One or two people will make fun of someone who may be the lowest dps or asks how a certain boss encounter goes. It gets so bad that most of the time the group wipes and wipes and people leave. Vote kicks go out on everyone below 15k dps. Most of the people below 15k dps are there for the gear because they really need it from what I have been able to see.

 I read all this talk about name calling in schools but what about online games as well. Granted Blizzard is making it easier to report swearing, spamming, and all that but they forgot about name calling. Most of the name calling I see is normally involving swearing but not to the point where you can feel justified in reporting it. Is there any options besides ignore?

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Time with Friends

I may no longer play on the server I started out on very often as of the moment, but I am very glad that Blizzard came out with Real World ID so I am able to keep up with my friends from Runetotem. I believe that most of my friends are now playing on different servers as well and on Horde and Alliance sides.

 Even through all the different changes with servers and sides, one thing that still remains consistent is that we are able to talk about anything still. Complaints about groups, family life, other friends, even the pets. It is whatever is on the mind at the time.

I believe I am lucky though. I have at least one friend on each time I log in.

Some I talk to all the time and others I hardly talk to but we are able to pick up a conversation easily.

If I were to ever stop playing, I would more then likely try to get all the email addresses of everyone to be able to keep in touch. I would hate to lose touch with any of them.

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On sunday I had asked on the one guild I am in if anyone was able to make any size herb bag. Someone responded, I bought the mats that she said she needed, sent them off to her with a fond farewell. I then went to bed and dreamed of the nice shiny bag I would have the next day for herbs.

I woke up the very next morning but much to my disappointment there was not a shiny new bag. There was nothing in the mail. So very disappointed a scribe I was.

Fast forward a couple of days, I kept seeing the person on but was very uncertain on how to approach her in asking about the bag. Wednesday night, I talked to the guild leader about the whole thing and what I should do. I did not say who it was in the guild, just that it was a priest with tailoring. Considering I am too lazy to see how many of each class has a certain profession, he was easily able to track her down.

Anyways, while we were talking about what I should do, he was talking to his priest tailor girlfriend about it. I was on the phone taking care of guild business on a different server then what I was on. I had vent barely turned up. I heard my name and check your mail. Low and behold, the guild leader’s girlfriend sent me the hyjal herb bag. I was so very ecstatic about it. I went and equipped it and began to add all of my herbs to it.

I had asked her what she would like in return and she told me. I went and bought the volatile life and sent it off with a small hug.

Fast forward to the next morning, I wake up, log in, check my mail and there were two herb bags from the original person. I cringed, I had no clue what I should do. I finally had enough time to talk to the guild leader. He told me I should send one to his girlfriend and keep the other. The main reason was that the herb bag she sent me, she had originally made for herself and was gathering the mats back up to make it again.

I felt guilty, if I would have known that, I never would have accepted the bag in the first place. He did assure me that she wanted me to have it and she would not take no for an answer. I did send the biggest one that was made by the other person to her.

I do plan on, as soon as I get enough mats, to make every enchant that I use on my discipline priest and send it straight to her in hopes that it will save her some money.

I would love some ideas on what else I can give her since she gave up something she wanted for someone she barely knows.

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I did heroic Deadmines on Mizorie. I joined group right at the foundry. I asked who was doing the harvester and was told that I was to do it. No problem, I remembered how.

Bad problem, tank did not pull the boss up the ramp and we wiped. Found out I was the only one to have been there at all on any 85 on heroic. I explained that the boss must be pulled up the ramp away from the bottom where the fire elementals appear. The group did awesome after being told that. We even got the achievement.

Explained the rest of the fights as we went along. Did great. During the mario part of the gauntlet, wiped twice on it*completely expected it*, got to the worgens on the docks and they stood there. We die. Lovely, but a new group to the heroic and truthfully, I forgot that part.

We get back to Vanessa, warlock forgets to grab a rope. He dies. I laugh, I thought it was funny.He was standing right next to the rope.

We beat Vanessa with only the lock, healer and myself dying. I died because I lagged at the wrong time. Healer died when she set fire to herself. He could not move fast enough.

Over all, most of the group was happy I was thrown in with them that they had said. I am happy I was able to share some knowledge on a heroic for once.

The tank had even said he hoped to see us again, unfortunately, I have already forgotten his name. He took advice quite well and admitted when something was his fault. I do admire that in a tank.

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Well, I have been working on a mage on Moon Guard server for a little bit. I finally hit 85 last week on her. I had enough random dungeons completed in order to buy a justice point chest armor. I had found valor point bracers on the auction house for less than 100g.

Since I have hit 85, I have not played everyday due to babysitting almost 10 hours a day for free for a friend. I try to get on at her place while I make the kids sit on the couch for misbehaving.

So far, I have done several heroic randoms. I have enjoyed them immensely. Even though I have not said that I had just hit 85, everyone has been very nice. It does help that I do know the dungeons to begin with on heroic since I have several 85’s.

I have maxed out my skinning and enchanting. I took skinning for the extra crit and the fact that leather alway sells pretty good. Enchanting because I like to make my characters work and for the ring enchants. If I would have had more gold, I would have gone enchanting and inscription but it did not happen. I am happy with skinning though.

Started the dailies for firelands. I suppose I am actually going to have to do them on this character. I do loathe doing many dailies this expansion. I think it is from Lich King dailies. I got so tired of doing them that I can not bare to do too many this time around.

I do have the link to my newest 85. I am very proud of her. I do wish my friend would have hit 85 before me but we both knew I have more time to play. All that means is when he hits 85, Mizorie will be dancing in the main area of Org.


Please, do tell me what you think. I am working on gear yet still. Mizorie is looking forward to the time where she can prove her worth in the raid finder for Dragon Soul.

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I finally did it. I finally got 125 in game pets on my character Kuroma. It may have taken me a while to do it, mainly because last year during Children’s Week, I was far too sick to even look at my computer.

I still had yet to do the quest chain in Stranglethorn Vale that would have given me the panther cub and plus I have been holding onto a loot card, Bloat the bubble fish. After getting all three orphan pets, I went ahead and did the panther chain quest and turned in my loot card.

I was completely excited and wanted to show off my Brilliant Kaliri in Stormwind. Yes, the bird looks like the one that the Arakkoa birds. I am still happy though. Now all I need is 24 more pets to get 150 pets for  Littlest Pet Shop.


Oh, before I forget, I was sick almost all of March and part of April. So I do apologize about not posting anything during that time. Please forgive me? 

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Guild Members

In the one guild that I am in, we try to keep track of alts and new members. We normally mark the names of alts and if the person is new.

Lately, some of the other officers have stopped marking and they expect me to run after each and everyone person/character that is new to the guild. I feel since I have not invited them, that I should not be running after each character and bugging them.

I make certain that I mark each person. It is always put in the officer note so that only officers can see. Plus it helps if someone needs to be promoted or demoted or even kicked out of the guild.

Is it fair that I am stuck having to run after each character or should I just suck it up as the officers inviting are too lazy to do it?

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Status Messages

Ever have someone tell you that you are not allowed to use your status messages because it offends them?

That happened to me. I was posting song lyrics and I offended someone on my Real Id. I thought I was allowed to post what I wanted. Not have to conform to what this person thinks should be as status messages.

Was only song lyrics. I have heard this person’s music over vent. It is much worse then what I had posted and the music does offend but I do not say anything because what they listen to is their own personal choice.

So right now I am only allowed to post updates about my health. I have been sick with a chest cold that went into a sinus infection and been having asthma attacks and I am allowed to post about what I am eating. Let’s see how long before this person complains about how that is offensive to them.

I am really thinking of deleting this person just so I can have fun with my status messages again but I would be yelled at. I am in no way related to this person and I am thinking this person is not a friend either due to what they have done to two other people in the guild.

The one thing this person did to me, I had proof because they sent an in-game mail which I then took to the guild leader.

Is there any hope in using my status message to have what I want instead of what this person wants? As long as i keep this person as a Real Id friend, I am guessing not. This person also swears about every other word and I am not allowed to swear on the status message because it offends him.

I apologize for this rant but I am sick and tired of being told what I can and can not have as a status message by one single person.

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